尹顺日 教授 사진
尹顺日 教授
私宅) 全州市 中华山洞2街宇星中山TORY 103-804号 职场全北大学校农业生命科学大学 应用生物工学部)


1982.3~1986, 2:全北大学校食品加工学专业使学士)
1986.3~1991, 2:全北太学校食品加工学专业使硕士)
193.4~19953: HIROSHIMA大学校生物生产学部应用微生物学科微生物生化学理学士)
1995,4~19993: HIRUSHIMA大学校生物生产学部应用微生物学科微生物生化学农学博士)


加拿大 USATERL00大学校化工科(Post-doctory)


< 국내 전문학술지 >

1. 임현아, 윤순일 (2009) 냉이추출물의 항균활성, 한국식품저장유통학회지, 16:562-566
2. SI Yun (2008) Construction of a biofilter immobilized with Rhodococcus sp. B261 for removal of H2S gas generated by livestock, J. Appl. Biol, chem, 51:307-314
3. SI Yun (2005) Antibacterial free radical scavenging, and proliferative effect of Korean fermented soybean paste(Doenjang) extracts, Agric, Chem. Biotechnol, 48:138-143
4. 윤순일 외 5명 (2005) 국내산 무화과를 이용한 와인제조 및 폼질 개선효과 동아시아식생활학회지, 15:112~118
5. SI Yun (2005) Animutagenic effect of Bacillus natto isolated from Natto, Agric, Chem. Biotechnol, 48:133-137

< 국제 전문학술지 >

1. HA Lim, A Mishra, Si Yun (2010) Effect of pH on the extra cellular synthesis of gold and silver nanoparticles by Saccharomy cescerevisae, J. Nano Sci, Nano Tech, 10: [in press]
2. A Mishra, SK Tripathy, Si Yun (2010) Bio-Synthesis of gold and silver Nanoparticles from Candida guilliermondii and their antimicrobial effect against pathogenic bacteria, J, Nano Sci, Nano Tech, 10: [in press]
3. AR Binupriya, M Sathishkumar, SI Yun (2010) Biocrystallization of silver and gold ions by inactive cell filtrate of Rhizopus stolonifer, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 80: [:in press]
4. R Wahab, A Mishra, SI Yun, YS Kim, HS Shin (2010) Antibacterial activity of ZnO nanoparticles prepared via nonhydrolytic solution route, Applied Microbiol, Biotech, 87, 887-896,
5. AR Binupriya, M Sathishikumar, K Vijayaraghavan, SI Yun (2010) Bioreduction of trivalent aurum to nano-crystalline gold particles by active and inactive cells and cell-free extract of Aspergillus oryzae var, viridis, J. Hazard Materials, 177:539-549
6. AR Binupriya, M Sathishkumar, SI Yun (2010) Myco-crystalization of silver ions to nanosized particles by live and dead cell filtrates of Aspergillus oryzae var, virids and its bacteriocidal activity toward Staphylococcus aureus KCCM12256, Ind, Eng. Chem, research, 49:852-858
7. AR Binupriya, M Sathishkumar, CS KU, SI Yun (2010) Sequestration of Reactive Blue 4 by free and immobilized Bacillus subtilis cells, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 76:179-185
8. AR Binupriya, M Sathishikumar, SH Jung, SW Song, SI Yun (2009) A novel method in utilization of Bokbunja seed wastes from wineries in liquid-phase sequestration of reactive blue 4. International j. Environ, Research, 3:1-12
9. AR Binupriya, M Sathishikumar, SI Yun (2008) Bokbunja wine industry waste as procursor material for carbonization and its utilization for the removal of Procion Red MX-5B from aqueous solutions, Clean-Soil Air Water, 36:879-886
10. T Sathishikumar, AR Binupriya, O Vijayaragha, SI Yun (2007) Two and three-parameter isothermal modeling for liquid-phase sorption of Procin Blue H-B by inactive mycelial biomass of Panus fulus, J. Chem. Technol, Biotechenol, 82:289-398
11. JD Cha, MR Jeong, Si Jeong, SH Moon, BS KII, GY Lee, YH Song, Si Yun (2007) Chemical Composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Cryptomerica japonica, Phytotherapy Research, 21:295-299
12, JD Cha, MR Jeong, HJ Choi, SI Jeong, SE Moon, Si Yun, YH Kim, BS Kil, YH Song (2005) Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Artemisia lavandulaefolia, planta med, 6.575-577

< 국내학술회의 발표 >

< 국제학술회의 발표 >

1. A,R, Binupriya, M. Sathishumar, S.I. Yun(2008) Exploitation of Trichoderma viridae for green synthesis of gold and silver nanoparticles(2009) International conference on Nano Science and Nano Technology, Gwangju, Korea
2. A.R. Binupriya, S.M. Kim, S.H. Song, S.H, Jeon, M. Sathishkumar, S.I. Yun(2008) Extracellular biosynthesis of Gold nanoparticles by Aspergilus sp. International Symposium & annunal meeting of KORMB, Seoul, Korea,
3. S.H, Song, E.S. Lee, H.A. Lim, S.I. Yun(2008) In vitro mutagen-extracting capacity to soybean materials fermented by Bacillyus species, International Symposium & annunal meeting of KORMB, Seoul, Korea,
4. AR. Binupriya, M. Sathishumar, S.I. Yun(2008) A novel method in Utilization of Bacillus subtilis cells and exopolysaccharides in sequestration of reactive blue4 from aqueous solutions, International Symposium & annual meeting for Korean Society of Food Science and Technology, Gwangju, Korea,
5, AR, Binupriya, M, Sathishumar, S.I. Yun(2008) A novel method in utilization of Bokbunja seed wastes from wineries in sequestratin of reactive blue from aqueous solutions, International Symposium & annual meeting for Korean Society of Food Science and Technology, Gwangju, Korea,
6. S.H, Song, E.S. Lee, H. A. Lim, S.I. Yun(2008) Functional properties of the various compounds fermented by Bacillus species, International Symposium & annual meeting for Korean Society of Food Science and Technology, Gwangju, Korea,
7. AR. Binupriya, M. Sathishkumar, S.I. Yun(2007) Porcion Red MX-58 dye adsorption from aqueous solutions by waste from Bokbunja wine production industry, International Symposium and Annunal Meeting of the KSABC, Gyeongu, Korea,
8. A.R. Binupriya, M. Sathishkumar, S.I. Yun(2007) Utilization of Agricultural By-product for Removal of Organic Effect of Porogens on Carbon Characteristics, International Symposium & annual meeting for Korean Society of Food Science and Technology, Busan, Korea,
9. SI. Yun(2005) Effect of oxygen on the production of recombinant Human Interleukin-3 in Streptomyces lividans Fermentation, The 72 Annual Meeting of KOSFOST, Seoul, Korea,

< 특허>

1. 검정콩에서 추출한 단백질과 안토시아닌 추출액을 이용한 기능성 공소시지 및 그의 제조방법, 등록번호 : 10-2007-63275
2. 조직단백질을 이용한 공소시지 제조방법, 등록번호 : 10-2007-63284